Lab notes: April 2022

Craig Newmark Philanthropies is partnering with CR and other groups to educate and protect Americans from growing cybersecurity threats

    • Earlier this month, Craig Newmark Philanthropies announced a “cyber civil defense” plan dedicated to educating and protecting Americans from escalating cybersecurity threats. This effort will contribute $50 million to a diverse coalition of organizations, including CR. Stay tuned for more news from CR about our plans to help raise the bar for cybersecurity.

Connecticut pushes forward with new privacy law

    • Lawmakers in Connecticut advanced new privacy legislation supported by CR that would make it the fifth state to extend baseline privacy rights to consumers if signed into law by Governor Ned Lamont. CR praised the bill for providing consumers the right to access, delete, and stop the sale of their personal information.

Consumer Reports joins Antitrust Day effort to hold Big Tech accountable

    • CR along with more than 100 advocacy groups and small-to-mid sized tech companies came together for a day of action in D.C. dubbed Antitrust Day. The coalition worked to generate emails, tweets and phone calls to Congress in support of the bipartisan American Innovation and Choice Online Act and the Open App Markets Act to provide more choice for consumers and boost competition. Read CR’s perspective on the bills in a blog post by Sumit Sharma, CR’s tech competition lead, and in Wired about why these reforms are needed, and how industry’s claims that the legislation will harm innovation and hurt consumers are false.

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